Bauchi State Government

tHE Legislative

Bauchi State – Nigeria


The Legislative Arm of the Government at the State level is called the House of Assembly. This arm of government is primarily responsible for developing laws focused on the progress and well being of the State. The people elect members of the House of Assembly and they represent their State Constituencies at the State. This arm serves as a watchdog for other arms of government particularly the Executive, against recklessness and bad governance.

Their duties include but are not limited to:

  • Make laws for the general well-being and good governance of the State
  • Approve means of raising revenue and control expenditure of government at all levels
  • Monitor government policies and investigate such implementation by the executive arm
  • Conduct public debate so as to give people opportunities to express their opinion on any issue
  • Safeguard the constitution and the rights of people enshrined in it

The Business of Legislature has been a recurring decimal in the art of governance, especially in a democratic set up.

It is the turning point of democracy and of course, the first casualty when the elixir is brought to naught.

In Bauchi State, the process of Legislation by a team of elected politicians began in 1979 when the State’s first democratic Governor, Alhaji Tatari Ali, of blessed memory was elected.

According to the Constitution of Nigeria, a person can qualify as a member of a House of Assembly if:

  • A Citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
  • Attained the age of thirty (30) years
  • Educated up to at least the School Certificate level or its equivalent
  • Member of a political party and is sponsored by that party

Similarly, no person shall be qualified for election to a House of Assembly if a person has:

  • Voluntarily acquired the citizenship of another country other than the Federal Republic of Nigeria
  • Mentally challenged
  • Declared bankrupt
  • Convicted of a crime

Other provisions can be seen in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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Rt. Hon. Dr. Abubakar Y. Suleiman FISM, MNIM
Speaker, Bauchi State House of Assembly
Hon. Jamilu Umaru Dahiru
Deputy Speaker, Bauchi State House of Assembly