Bauchi State Government

tHE Judiciary

Bauchi State – Nigeria


Bauchi State’s Judiciary is the third arm of Government with clearly defined constitutional functions. Such functions include;

  • Interpretation of the Constitution and other Laws and Statutes
  • Definition of Citizens’ rights
  • Settlement of disputes and;
  • Protecting these weak and vulnerable groups.

The State Judiciary also adjudicates on criminal and civil matters and gives legal authorization to transactions and documentation on behalf of the State.

The State Judiciary has the State Chief Judge appointed by the Governor as its head, and there are sets of hierarchically arranged courts; State High Courts, and Customary Courts. There are also Special Courts, such as Revenue Courts, Sanitation Courts to serve specific purposes.

The Judiciary preserves the sanctity of the rule of law by interpreting the laws (where there are conflicts), and settling disputes (thereby ensuring equity and maintenance of justice).

The judicial arm of government plays similar roles the world over. It is primarily concerned with facilitating quick, fair and unhindered administration of justice to all irrespective of age, background or religion in line with laid down laws of the land. They interpret the laws as provided in the constitution for all and sundry. It dispenses justice without fear or favour. Judiciary is often referred to as ‘’ the last hope of the common man’’.

This arm of government in Bauchi State has the State High Court as a principal actor and plays both legal and social roles for the entire citizenry.

To enhance the functions of the judiciary, the structure is divided into three levels to serve both the administrative and judicial responsibilities of this noble and honourable profession namely: Office of the Chief Judge High Court Bench, The Registry and the Magisterial Bench.

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